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Lula (Floyd) Jackson (Floyd)

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Marital status: Married
John married Lula Floyd with whom he had 14 children: John III, Laura, Angeline, Sarah, Robert, Leanner, Aaron, Rosetta, Corrine, Della, Hattie, Geneva, Henry, and George.

Laura (Jackson) Dunlap

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Marital status: Married

Della (Jackson) McCullough

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Marital status: Married

Geneva (Jackson) Moody

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Marital status: Married

Angeline (Jackson) Mosley

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Marital status: Married

Leanner (Jackson) Nelson

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Sarah (Jackson) Randolph

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Marital status: Married Children: 5
Sarah married John Randolph. The two gave birth to 5 children: Mary, Johnnie Mae, James, Freddie, and Roger.

Hattie (Jackson) Sims

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Marital status: Married

Corrine (Jackson) Smith

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Marital status: Married

Rachel (Scott) Jackson (Rachel Scott)

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Marital status: Married

Frank Dunlap

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Marital status: Married

Annie Jackson

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Annie is 1 of the 6 children John had with his first wife, Della (Annie, Corine, Fred, John, James, Robert)> He had 3 more with his second wife, Annie (Lewis, Willie, James).

Corrine Jackson

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Corrine is 1 of the 6 children John had with his first wife, Della (Annie, Corrine, Fred, John, James, Robert). He had 3 more with his second wife, Annie (Lewis, Willie, James).

Fred Jackson

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Fred is 1 of the 6 children John had with his first wife, Della (Annie, Corrine, Fred, John, James, Robert). He had 3 more with his second wife, Annie (Lewis, Willie, James).

John (Jr.) Jackson

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John is 1 of the 6 children his father John had with his first wife, Della (Annie, Corrine, Fred, John, James, Robert). His father also had 3 more children with his second wife, Annie (Lewis, Willie, James).
John married Lula Floyd with whom he had 14 children: Laura, Angeline Sarah, Leanner, Della, Corrine, Hattie, Geneva, Robert, Aaron, Henry, John III, and George.

Jack Jackson

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One of 3 children born to Richard and Hellen Jackson. Jack married Easter. They had 12 children: Phyllis, Sarah, Mary, Anna, Kate, Georgia, Massey, Thomasenia, John, Willie, Frank, and David.

Aaron Jackson

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Marital status: Married Children: 3

James Jackson

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James is 1 of the 6 children John had with his first wife, Della (Annie, Corrine, Fred, John, James, Robert). He had 3 more with his second wife, Annie (Lewis, Willie, James).

Easter Jackson

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Marital status: Married
Married to John Jackson. They had 12 children: Phyllis, Sarah, Mary, Anna, Kate, Georgia, Massey, Thomasenia, John, Willie, Frank, and David.

Ishmael Jackson

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One of 3 children born to Richard Jackson, a free white man, and a slave named Hellen. His brothers were Charles, and Jack