Jackson Family
This is the name that can be used to trace our footsteps through the pages of history. It is the cord that connects the generations and branches of our family together. Regardless of the name inscribed on our birth certificates, whether by blood or through adoption, the Jackson Family is the name and banner that we unite under.
Church Steeple
Our family name resting upon the roof of the church reminds us that the church is our foundation, source, and secret pavilion. Our family is a spiritual people who have never been ashamed of or apologetic about our faith. Because no generation has been guilty of taking their hands off the plow of bringing up our seed in the fear and admonition of the Lord, we have birthed pastors, preachers, teachers, deacons, and servants of the Kingdom. Who we have become and the things we have survived are because of many things, the greatest of them being our faith.
The Heart
The heart is the symbol of the love we have for one another. It summons us to never forget that our love for family must be unwavering and non-negotiable. The figures inside the heart reflect the attitude about family that our parents have engraved in our hearts. They taught us that family is to always be dear to our hearts. Distance, nor disagreement, will never cause that love to diminish or surrender.
The Hands
The hands are a symbol of our commitment to supporting one another. They are open because we will always make ourselves available to each other. Whether you need a hand to hold as you go through or a hand to lift you up when you have fallen, ours will be there when nobody else’s is. The hands are lifted up as a reminder that we are to always lift each other up in prayer.
This word reminds us of the values, faith, traits, and strengths that those who came before us have passed down to us. It serves as a call for us to never forget where and who we came from, and to always keep the example they have set for us before our face. The use of all caps for “LEGACY” is to emphasize the importance of our responsibility to uphold the legacy that the generations before us have entrusted to us and then pass it down to our sons, daughters, grandchildren, nephews, and nieces who are coming behind us.
Good Roots – Great Fruit
Great fruit is the natural product of good, healthy roots. Members of the Jackson family are excelling in life and business. We are accomplishing things and sitting in places never imagined. But as our hand finds success, we cannot think that our talents, gifts, skills, degrees, and hook-ups deserve all the credit. The fruit we have become and the good we have tasted can be traced back to our roots. So this is a reminder that because of our roots, their labor and their sacrifices, every Jackson not only has the opportunity to be and do great, we have a responsibility to do so.
The Roots
This root system is a reminder that there are many who are to be credited with us becoming who we are as individuals and a family. Momma, daddy, grandma, grandpa, uncle, auntie, and “cuz” are all roots that have supplied us with nourishment, advice, and support that has sustained and guided us. It is also a reminder that each of us is a root and responsibility for becoming an active part of the family’s root system that we might supply those coming up behind us with the grace, love, kindness, and wisdom that was shared with us.